and some of the Time-tested, really good stuff we have all grown to love
RIGHT CLICK over picture AND "SAVE AS" to copy this INVITATION
Features both established, evidence-based techniques as well as revolutionary new case-proven techniques and protocols that can almost instantly result in the elimination of pain,
ablation of hyper-sympathetic / hypertonic / hyper-inflammatory cycles, with significantly measurable gains in joint mobility, ROMs, muscle strength, and
the ever-important general sense of patient well-being.
Book your slot today via:
To cover food and venue:
1,500 (Pre-paid until February 8, 2009)
2,000 (Regular Reg until Feb 17)
2.500 (Late and On-site Reg)
Our little sharing sessions will most likely (it all depends on how much material everyone can handle) include:
Rapid De-afferentaion (RDTs) for pain control + functional gains
Myofascial and Motility Mapping
Advanced Soft Tissue Techniques
Junctional Techniques
Articulatory & Advanced Techniques
Mobilization Techniques review: Mulligan vs Bayliss vs Fryette
Basics and Beyond for the Dorn Method
Harmonic Articulatory and Soft Tissue Techniques
Time permitting, we hope to drag you in for a rousing SHORT SWIM IN:
(1.) The Original Bowen Technique (full exposure courtesy of Bowtech Accredited Practitioners - BTAA / Philippine Bowen Practitioners)
We value your input. Be aware that Workshop coverage may be modified at any time by participant requests.
please visit http://manualmed.blogspot.com/2008/09/bowen-therapy-in-philippines.html
(2.) Instrument-Assisted Connective / Soft Tissue Mobilization (IACSTMs: Gua-sha, Graston, SASTM)
(these would be grouped with Advanced L-D Myofascial Releases (Local, Direct):
CTM - Connective Tissue Mobilization (Based on 2007 Protocol)
IASTM - Instrument-Assisted Soft-Tissue Mobilization
SASTM - Sound-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
Pre-Requisite: Practitioner level for direct local myofascial release
Workshop director is a SASTM Practitioner. He has been successfully using Gua-Sha and CTM techniques in a clinical setting with great results from 2005.
His favorite IASTM tool used to be a Hartmann Tool. He now continues to drool over the results he gets with SASTM.)
(3.)Visceral and Somatic Dysfunction Overlaps and Manipulative Solutions
Includes the preview to Viscero-Somatics II: Visceral Manipulation for Visceral and Somatic Functional Gains
as may be applied to:
a. Post-operative Ileus
b. Somatic Dysfunctions of Visceral Origin
c. Visceral Dysfunctions of Somatic Origin
(Visceral Manipulation has been a part of the Workshop Director's clinical practice from 2005. A functional blend between three main schools of VM practice will be presented.)
(4.)A Brief Introduction To Manual Medicine Techniques (A demonstration of Major Proven techniques THE GROUP hasn't covered in its previous sharing stints)
Since a plethora of techniques exists, a way of synthesizing a flow of techniques into Manual Medicine Practice will be presented.
(5.) Neuro-linguistic Programming in Manual Medicine: Improving the Mind-Body Link
(The Workshop Director is an NLP Master-Practitioner, A Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, and Pain Management Consultant.
(6.) I wonder if we'll tell you about .. Advanced Spinal Mechanics: Beyond HVLA
Yes, there is life beyond HVLA.
Sharing will be at our Gastronomic Home, the Academy of International Culinary Arts (AICA) at Pasig CIty (near ULTRA, Valle Verde Country Club and Bagaberde)
A full-course set of Evidence-supported Manual Techniques for less than the price of the gourmet food we'll most likely serve.
(Hint: more people = more food prepared. So drag your friends in for the ride of their lives!))
A synthesis of manual therapy techniques geared for remarkably fast, lasting results
Esteemed Audience: P.T.s, M.T.s, M.D.s: clinicians, academicians, and all students interested in clinical protocols that really work
visit us at www.manualmed.bravehost.com; www.manualmed.blogspot.com
You'll let us know what you're interested in, right?
Harold can be reached at 09274515589 and via this site.
thanks for this. will post this on AngTherapist.com. :)
ReplyDeleteyou're most welcome. see you there. ;)
yrs of having this pain on my midback, i had my PT tx using modalities, i usually hav it 6 tx sessions with 1 hr/session just 2 have a significant effect (decreased pain) on my midback, but with manual therapy i find the effect very quick dat it took only less than 5 mins. of treatment to hav a remarkable result. thanks to Doc strix..for his "Power of Touch"..